Registration form

Healing, Resilience & Empowerment Program

All fields (*) should be completed.

Program details

Date: 2024-10-17 - 2024-10-20

Timings: Thur, Frid 18:30-21:30, Sat, Sund 10:00-13:00

Location: Jasinskio 16, IOM International Organisation for Migration, II floor, Vilnius, Lithuania

Personal data

Name field is required
Last name field is required
Email field is required.
Phone field is required.


City is required.
Country is required.

In order to organise translation, please check below in which languages you can follow the program

Have you attended an IAHV's HRE workshop before

Anything you would like to share?

Consents and privacy policy

Consent to the applicable rules of participation in the workshops is required.
GDPR consent is required
GDPR media consent is required